segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017

New Zealand authorities fear hundreds of whale corpses could explode

(FILE) Volunteers pour buckets of water over the 80 remaining live pilot whales found stranded on remote Ocean Beach on New Zealand's southern-most Stewart island, Jan. 8, 2003. EPA PHOTO SOUTHLAND TIMES / BARRY HARCOURT /tb/ta
The New Zealand authorities on Monday expressed fears that the bodies of about 300 pilot whales stranded on the South Island of the country could explode due to the gases inside the cetaceans.

A group of people working in Golden Bay, where part of the animals beached Thursday, are making holes as an escape valve on the lifeless remains of marine mammals in order to avoid the explosion of viscera, New Zealand's Department of Conservation spokesperson Andrew Lamason said.

Source: EFE

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